Table 1 lists the instrument parameters used for both Zeeman background correction and deuterium background correction systems. The measurement mode is dependent on the type of tube atomization used.Christine FlajnikDoug Shrader
Through optimizing the operating conditions of the instrument,the platinum in plasma was directly determined by GF-AAS. 目的:建立石墨炉原子吸收测定法检测人血浆中总铂浓度。 更多例句>> 6) Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry 石墨炉原子吸收法 1. Determinations of trace Copper,Lead and ...
It is of great importance to most optimized performance that the coprecipitation and the analytical instrument with the higher sensitivity and selectivity are combined and applied to the micro and ultramicro amounts of elements in samples. Recently, the researches into the coprecipitation systems are...
Smith of the United States Department of Agriculture where they used an instrument comprising a continuum source, an echelle spectrometer and a linear photodiode array to investigate the effect of elevated atomization pressures. Measurement of absorbances; Use of a standard integrated contact cuvette; ...