基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41671338;41401388) 第一作者简介:李娟(1991—), 女, 博士, 研究方向为高分一号卫星交叉辐射定标。E-mail: lijuan0624@whu.edu.cn 通信作者:庞小平. E-mail:pxp@whu.edu.cn 摘要:“高分一号”配置了4...
This study selects a public GF1_WHU cloud and cloud shadow detection dataset for preprocessing and data optimization and conducts comparative experiments in different models. The results show that the algorithm performs well on vegetation, water, buildings, barren and other types...
This study selects a public GF1_WHU cloud and cloud shadow detection dataset for preprocessing and data optimization and conducts comparative experiments in different models. The results show that the algorithm performs well on vegetation, water, buildings, barren and other types. The average accuracy...
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41671338;41401388) 第一作者简介:李娟(1991—), 女, 博士, 研究方向为高分一号卫星交叉辐射定标。E-mail: lijuan0624@whu.edu.cn 通信作者:庞小平. E-mail:pxp@whu.edu.cn 摘要:“高分一号”配置了4台16 m分辨率多光谱宽幅(WFV)相机,组合观测幅宽达到800 km。为了将其应用于定量...
(GF-1). The Swin Transformer blocks help the model capture long-distance features and obtain deeper feature information in the network. This study selects a public GF1_WHU cloud and cloud shadow detection dataset for preprocessing and data optimization and conducts comparative experiments in ...
Although building change detection networks have matured in development, current research is mostly based on single-source high-resolution image datasets (e.g., LEVIR-CD [25], WHU Building Dataset [33], AIST Building Change Detection [34], SYSU-CD dataset [35]) and single-source multispectral...
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国家卫健委紧急提醒:别和土拨鼠亲密接触 关注 赞 评论 守法公民|睿泽鉴宝 连机器人都知道,要跑步锻炼身体。#宇树机器人 博主与残疾女孩互动,坐在轮椅上打篮球的女生超酷。(来源:点时新闻)编辑:周婉婷初审:李英复审:王京魁终审:刘素洁 找DeepSeek线上问诊成为新潮流,律师提醒:“患者需自己承担误诊风险,DeepSeek没...
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