廣發證券香港經紀有限公司是一家香港公司,現已更名為廣發証券(香港)經紀有限公司,該頁面展示了廣發証券(香港)經紀有限公司的中文名稱、英文名稱、注冊編號、成立日期、改名日期等。已经成立了17年4个月8天。 GF Securities Hong Kong Brokerage Limited is a Hong Kong company now renamed as GF Securities (Hong K...
1776.HK 2021 广发证券 成立30周年 2024 广发证券 高质量发展 - 广发在路上 - 广聚爱,发于心 我们践行社会责任,把自身的金融专业能力和基金会的规范运作管理有机结合,以“乡村振兴、助学兴教、金融赋能、医疗救助”为主线,积极投身公益事业。 环境、社会及管治 (ESG) ...
GF Securities is a provider of comprehensive capital market services with industry-leading innovation capabilities focused on serving China's quality SMEs and affluent individuals. GF Securities is listed both on the Hong Kong (01776.HK) and Shenzhen (000776.SZ) stock exchanges with total market ca...
Verified and credible GF Securities (Hong Kong) Brokerage Limited company overview, qualified supplier, trader, manufacturer, vendor, distributor providing products and services on HKTDC Sourcing
久期财经讯,9月4日,标普授予广发证券股份有限公司 (GF Securities Co. Ltd. ,简称“广发证券”,BBB/Stable/A-2,01776.HK,000776.SZ) 拟发行的美元债券“BBB”长期发行评级。 上述高级无抵押债券由GF Financial Holdings BVI Ltd. 发行,并由广发证券提供担保。广发证券在中国是一家较大规模的券商。发行人将利...
The fund aims to provide income generation with potential long term capital appreciation by investing primarily in preferred securities. Information Fund Category Other Bond Fund Size (Million) USD 535.31 Fund Size Date 21-02-2025 Fund Manager Caryn Rothman Fund Manager Start Date 31-03-2022 Incepti...
Gf Securities (hong Kong) Brokerage Ltd Head Office的正确SWIFT代码是什么?使用正确的SWIFT代码帮助您进行国际转账和电汇。
久期财经讯, 广发证券 股份有限公司(GF Securities Co., Ltd.,简称“广发证券”,01776.HK,000776.SZ,标普:BBB 稳定,惠誉:BBB 稳定)拟发行Reg S、3年期、以美元计价的浮动利率债券和以人民币计价的固定利... 网页链接
The Fund aims to achieve income generation by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity, equity-related, fixed income and fixed income-related securities of companies and/or governments (which include agencies and supra-nationals in respect of fixed income and fixed income-related secur...
Established in 1991, GF Securities Co., Ltd. is one of the first, full-service securities companies in China. The Company was successfully listed on the main boards of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock code: 000776.SZ), and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock code: 1776.HK), in 2010 ...