(China Guorong Assets Management Limited):本院受理原告广发投资(香港)有限公司[GF Investments(Hong Kong) Company Limited]、广发融资(香港)有限公司[GF Capital(Hong Kong) Limited]与被告青岛国融集团有限公司、张德亮,第三人中国国融资产管理有限公司(China Guorong Assets Management Limited)保证合同纠纷一案,现...
the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary GF Holdings (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited plans to provide performance guarantees for its wholly-owned subsidiary GF Global Capital Limited's structured note of no more than 1 billion
香港证监会网站信息显示,淡水泉(香港)投资管理有限公司(Spring Capital (Hong Kong) Limited)的代表/负责人员一栏,新增了陶冬(Dong Tao)的名字,他于在今年8月下旬加入淡水泉(香港)。 淡水泉(香港)的母公司淡水泉投资是内地头部私募机构。记者从淡水泉投资获得确认,陶冬已经担任淡水泉(香港)的总裁。同时,记者也从第三方...
and risk management solutions for capital markets , commodities , and treasury management , today announced that GF Securities Brokerage Limited '' -RRB- , one of the leading Chinese brokerage firms in Hong Kong , has chosen the ION Fidessa Equity Trading Platform to support their growing institut...
Hedge Funds for the Sophisticated Investor A subsidiary of GFCM Holdings, LLC Global Financial Capital Management is a worldwide leader in hedge fund management. Based in Monaco, Global Financial has 34 offices worldwide, including the financial centers of Hong Kong, Dubai, Brussels, San Marino,...
Wang similarly has many thoughts on overseas capital markets. "Overseas capital market projects can almost be understood as referring to capital market projects in the US or Hong Kong. They are the mainstay. Whether stocks or bonds, the difference between the capital market and the investment ...
净营运资本净额(Net-Net Working Capital,简称NNWC)由本杰明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham)提出,其计算方法为(现金和短期投资+75%*应收账款+50%*存货)减去总负债。 净营运资本净额(NNWC)的定义 净营运资本净额(Net-Net Working Capital,简称NNWC)由本杰明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham)提出,其计算方法为(现金和短期投...
He has over 25 years of investment banking, venture capital, and corporate financing experience. Mr. Tsoi was previously the Head of Hong Kong Corporate Finance of JP Morgan and the CFO of China South City (1668.HK, a Tencent affiliated company). Mr. Tsoi has successfully completed over 100...
Torsten Albrecht, Principal Investment Officer for Capital Markets and Structured Products, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Mike Cheng, Chief Investment Officer, Infrastructure Financing and Securitisation, The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited ...
Said Julien Martin, Managing Director, Head of Emerging Business Development,Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX): “Global demand for China’s green bond investments, as reflected in the survey findings, has been growing at a very rapid pace. Sitting at the heart of Asia’s capita...