芽笼士乃曾是新加坡的商贸中心,也是年代最为久远的马来人聚居区之一;这里曾经在 19 世纪后半广泛种植 serai(香茅),这个街区也因此得名,流传至今。 而今竖立于芽笼士乃的翻修店屋、宗教场所及传统餐厅,背后都有着丰富多彩的历史,无限精彩的故事等您发掘。跟随...
Admission to the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar is free and there are endless reasons why you should not pass up on the chance to thrive in the festivities at Singapore’s largest pasar malam. Curious to know what treasures you can find there? Read on to find out more! DRINKS THAI ICED TEA...