'getUserMedia() is not supported by your browser'); } let _video = this.video.nativeElement; if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }) .then(function (stream) { _video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(...
针对你遇到的“error: getUserMedia is not implemented in this browser”错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 确认浏览器是否支持getUserMedia API: getUserMedia 是WebRTC 的一部分,用于请求用户的媒体设备(如摄像头和麦克风)的访问权限。 并非所有浏览器都支持此 API。你可以访问 Can I use getUserMedia?
今天学习了调用电脑摄像头,利用canvas画布将视频当前帧转换成图片的实例,其中用到了 mediaDevices.getUser...
wavesurfer.microphone.start(); works in any browser in laptop/PC, but not IPhone. It returns an error: "getUserMedia is not implemented in this browser"
console.error('getUserMedia is not supported'); } } stafieldAugust 28, 2023, 6:59am11 You are using native android but the topic of the question is about Ionic. have you granted micro permission in android manifest: I had this problem before, and the cause of it was inappbro...
() { videoPlaying = true; console.log("adding listener"); enableCamButton.textContent = "Disable Webcam" }); }, err => console.log(err)); } } else { console.warn('getUserMedia() is not supported by your browser'); enableCamButton.textContent = "Get User Media Not Supported"; } ...
// getUserMedia is not supported in this browser. } We pass an the object with video and audio set to true ({ video: true, audio: true }) to tell the browser we wish to capture both video and audio, but we could set either of these to false to only capture one (when audio works...
Hi, I'm receiving getUserMedia is not implemented in this browser from the error event when run on iOS chrome and firefox, but not on iOS safari, Android chrome and firefox. I noticed that in /src/webcam.vue, line 114, you checked if (na...