Your social, marketing, and PR plans.A feature on Apple Podcasts can be one important part of your marketing plans, but it should not be your only plan. Including your plans for social, marketing, and PR on the form can help us align with your other outreach. Also, share how Apple Pod...
Feb 10, 202500:34:15 JVN tackles the age old question: do blondes have more fun? On this episode of Pretty Curious, Jonathan Van Ness and producer Chris McClure spill the tea on JVN’s … GETTING CURIOUS | What’s The Value In Community?
Apple’s podcast player was never quite a fan favorite, but its reputation took a massive hit aftera disastrous update last spring. Even had it worked properly, the redesign felt like users were always trying to find their favorite podcasts on a stranger’s device, leaving entire qu...
Play Die Weihnachtsmärkte sind offen, im Radio läuft schon lange “Last Christmas”, es duftet nach Lebkuchen und wohlige Weihnachtsgemütlichkeit macht sich breit. Damit einher geht aber auch immer die Notwendigkeit der Geschenke für die Liebsten. Zumindest wenn ihr Brettspiele versch...
The two features that might have you ditching your podcast app of choice are Smart Speed and Voice Boost. Like most podcast apps, Overcast provides a slider to let you speed up the proceedings if you are short on time or want to zip through a portion of a podcast to a topic that's ...
Over the last few years, we’ve shared hundreds of pathways stories through our blog, podcast, and various publications. To synthesize these key learnings, we compiled the New Pathways Handbook, a great jumping-off point to our numerous resources and launchpad for getting started with pathways....
bobo:女性XX品牌联合创始人,34岁,恋爱中,热爱撸狗、居家、阅读,人在深圳。 我们相识于2014年,见证了彼此这10年的成长,10年后,我们一起用声音记录想法,分享生活,“磨练”友谊。 “越来越好”是我们几个朋友的微信群名,它不光给自己打气,也是女孩们对彼此最真诚的祝福。也希望听节目的你,越来越好。 MOREFollow ...
Apple is developing a podcast for Apple TV+ show "Little America," show creator Lee Eisenberg revealed today in an interview with Forbes. In the interview, Eisenberg says that the podcast will "delve more info the stories and music on the show." Apple also plans to promote the series with...
Follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Here’s a transcript of the episode 8 conversation. MARY MELTON:This isWorkLab, the podcast from Microsoft. I’m your host, Mary Melton. OnWorkLab, we hear from leading thinkers on the future of w...
Podcast:Download Subscribe:Apple Podcasts|RSS|Subscription Options Print This Episode Synopsis BNI won’t work effectively unless you know what you want out of your business and how to translate that into the BNI process.Frank De Raffeleexplains how to lay the groundwork for success in BNI. ...