map trello todo gtd mind mindmap freemind freemind-mindmap getting-things-done Updated on Apr 2, 2017 JavaScript sh78 / google-tasks-taskwarrior-import Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests Get all of you Google Tasks into Taskwarrior, where they belong. productivity json google gtd unicorns ...
Get SH*T Done with PyTorch Learn how to solve real-world problems with Deep Learning models (NLP, Computer Vision, and Time Series). Go from prototyping to deployment with PyTorch and Python! Read the book here 📖 Read for FREE The whole book can be read using the links below. Each par...
Getting Things Done (GTD)is a personal productivity system developed by David Allen and published in a book of the same name. GTD is described as a time management system. Allen states “there is an inverse relationship between things on your mind and those things getting done”. Reference #...
Getting Work Done at a Personal Level All of the above are obviously all pieces of software that I use; however, therearethings I use each week to help take notes and plan on how to get things done. These include: The Bamboo Folio Ink+Volt Planner Moleskine Things macOS Calendar macOS R...
When you launch the Threat Modeling Tool, you'll notice a few things, as seen in the picture:Threat model sectionExpand table ComponentDetails Feedback, Suggestions and Issues Button Takes you the MSDN Forum for all things SDL. It gives you an opportunity to read through what other users ...
Collaborating allows you to share apps - permitting collaborators to deploy changes to the application, scale apps and access app data, among other things. Collaborators have the same capabilities as app owners, with a few restrictions.This article shows new collaborators how to get started....
This means you can bring your projects online, which is great for home automation and internet of things applications. Why is the ESP8266 so popular? Mainly for the following reasons:Low-cost: you can get ESP8266 boards starting at $3 (or less) depending on the model....
I know it is a bit frustrating to press the boot button every time you need to upload new code, specially when there are a lot a mistakes and we want to test things right away. Unfortunately I don’t have any work around to share. You really need to press that button. ...
Experiment with putting custom text, numbers, or symbols on the display and try to make things move about a bit. Use the Delay func- tion from Example 2. A Delay function can also be found in the solution file. AN0009.0: Getting Started with EFM32 and EZR32 Series 0 Example 3a — ...
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