Download free getting things done (GTD) templates for Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets
Get started for free! First and foremost 'Get It Done' is a simple but powerfultodo listandtask manager. Easy to use and to get organized.GTD SoftwareMade Easy! Based on thebookGetting Things DoneorGTDby David Allen, 'Get It Done' lets you focus on what's important for today and keep...
Getting Things Done:The Art of Stress-Free Productivity 是个人效率专家David Allen在2001年出版的一本书。现在GTD和它所代表的这个管理方法已经成为个人效率研究领域的一个专业名词,是众多个人效率管理实践的基础理念。 如果你和我一样属于作者所特别注重的那一类“知识... 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版...
Getting Things Done & OmniFocus 2 Here’s the specific stuff. OmniFocus is thebestway to implement GTD on Mac and iOS. Capturing in OmniFocus The Inbox The Inbox is where capture happens. Anything can go here: the more you enter, the less you’ll forget. You can type directly in the ...
Getting Things Done PDF, Epub is a time management book by David Allen. This business-related book was published in 2001 by Penguin Publishers.
A personal tasks and TODO-list items organizer for the GNOME desktop environment inspired by the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. - Getting Things GNOME!
Getting Things Done is for everyone. Our goal is to help our customers apply order to chaos and to be more creative, strategic, and focused.
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Boost your personal or team productivity with these GTD apps that align with the best practices of the Getting Things Done methodology.