Getting tested for COVID-19 could soon be a lot more fun for children across the world, thanks to a new Australian-made testing device (设备), which is invented by Rhinoswab Junior.It was found that almost three-quarters of parents worried that the old testing way might be painful or un...
阅读理解Putting some fun into COVID-19 tests for kids为孩子们的新冠检测注入一些趣味Getting tested for COVID-19 could soon be fun for children across the worldthanks to(多亏) a new Australian made testing device(设备). The new device'sname is the Rhinoswab Junior. It has many colours and...
After a winter of long lines, frustrated test-takers, and extended wait times for results, some COVID-19 testing centers in the Boston area say they are now experiencing an eerie quiet. “We have seen a recent dramatic decrease in patients looking for outpatient COVID-19 testing,” said N...
Actor Jeff Bridges, best known for playing The Dude in “The Big Lebowski,” revealed on Monday that his cancer is in remission and that he has recovered from COVID-19, saying the coronavirus made his cancer “look like a piece of cake.” “My cancer is in remission — the ‘9×12’...
Michelle Tak, David Paredes and Lauren Dunn were not tested for COVID-19 when they were sick, but experiencedsymptoms like fever, cough, fatigue and body aches. During their tests, each had blood taken that was then spun in a machine to separate the plasma, a step in identifying antibodies...
The new rules for unvaccinated travellers are Travelers to Canada who are not vaccinated will be tested for COVID-19. The test would be conducted eight days after they arrive in Canada. They need to quarantine for 14 days. The new health measures at the border of Canada said that traveler...
Mary people are getting the COVID-19 vaccine(疫苗)these days.But some are afraid of needles (针).Scientists around the word are working on new kinds of vaccines to help people get the vaccine more easily,maybe without needles.Vaccines we can breathe in(吸入) Chinese scientist Chen Wei and...
110 . Some people are getting sick with the coronavirus / COVID-19. People with COVID-19 may get fever, cough and feel tired. Older people are more likely to get sick from COVID-19. Sick people can be tested to check if it is COVID-19. They should stay away from other people ...
Even with a pandemic, everything was going well for me. Then, on Dec. 1, 2020, the first day of the last month of an unforgettable year, I tested positive for COVID-19. The virus conquered my body and has lingered like a sour aftertaste ever since. ...
In a retrospective study of patients tested for COVID-19, researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine found an association between vitamin D deficiency and the likelihood of becoming infected with the coronavirus. "Vitamin D is important to the function of the immune system and vitamin D su...