Waiting for someone else’s child to die so yours can live is the worst kind of Hell. Celebrated Young Adult author Julian Holmes pits the heroic characters in his Black Heart series against all different kinds of monsters. But when a critical heart defect threatens his son’s life, he fin...
i believe we tried to get help for our son thirty years ago. I’m afraid everyone dropped the ball due to not knowing what to do with his issues. Now he has an inability to stand on his own in the adult world. I think he had a medical issue that was not diagnosed. He needs neu...
Time management requires planning, executive function, self-discipline, focus, and resilience. Use ADHD strategies to increase productivity and get things done.
The results were so promising, and we tried it again! A week later, we placed another young on branch in the same tree. The adult hawks now had three youngsters to care for, one theirs and two foster chicks. It was heartwarming to know that we had a part in it. ...
my son has adhd and was struggling in school, mainly because he wasn’t doing his work. he would also have blow ups at school. I started attending school with him and his grades shot up to straight A’s and his blow ups diminished. The other day he had a blow up for the first ti...