Scott R. Handy
I added 10 pounds of pelletized sulfur to make the soil Ph more acidic for the blueberries and will be laying down cardboard and mulching over top of it to keep the weeds down. The tree pruners for the power company dropped off three dump truck loads of wood chips this summer and I f...
Think of it as the “stuff” you can touch, see, taste, or smell. Whether it’s the air you breathe, the water you drink, or the chair you sit on, if it has mass and volume, it’s matter. Matter is composed of atoms and molecules. These microscopic entities come together in ...
Terroir is a construct, a catch-all for the elements of a place that lead its wines to smell, taste, and feel a certain way. In some cases, the personality of a site’s wines is very consistent, allowing experts to identify it routinely in blind tastings. But the possibility of such...