如果您没有Uber Eats优食账户,选择创建Uber Eats优食账户(Set up a Uber Eats account),然后系统会引导您前往Uber Eats优食网站创建账户。创建新账户后,您可以选择是,我有Uber Eats优食账户(Yes, I have a Uber Eats account),然后继续(Continue)。 7. 您将收到以下信息,显示您的整合功能设置正...
Get started Already have an account? Sign in Getting your car ready Before you take your first trip, find out what you can do to prepare your car—and how drivers with Uber set themselves up for success. Safety with the Uber app
Safety Uber Pro Contact us Before you start From car prep to ways to stay safe, here are some tips for using the app and some from other drivers to help you get off to a great start. Looking for delivery info? Switch to deliveryGet started Already have an account? Sign in ...
At about half the size of its cross-commonwealth neighbor Philadelphia, Pittsburgh is a walkable Pennsylvania city with loads of transportation options. You can ping back and forth from some of the city’s most prominent landmarks, including the stadiums, museums and parks, by foot, though the...
That can be up to $200 in annual Uber savings. Simply download the Uber app and add your Platinum Card® to your Uber account to get started. Available to Basic Card Member only. Effective 11/8/2024, an Amex Card must be selected as the payment method for your Uber or Uber Eats ...
uber eats sign on window outside Getty Sign Up for the Newsletter By entering your email, you agree to receive customized marketing messages from us and our advertising partners. You also acknowledge that this site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and that ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms of Serviceapply. ...
with the battery that's just your use or not use of the car to make everything last maximum in a Prius as far as the battery and all that goes these cars need to be in the wind so people doing delivery work Uber eats stuff like that these cars seem to do real well I have a ...
Uber Eats charges $4.99 for delivery, whether your restaurant is one block away, or all the way across town. But according to CNET, that’s all about to change. The company is introducing a sliding-scale delivery fee that can range from $2 to $8, depending on how far away you are ...
As you start to build these products in Copilot, have you had these negotiations with these other providers? Have they started to say what they would want? We’ve talked; I wouldn’t describe them as negotiations. I mean, I think lots of brands and businesses are building t...
Bill Darden started Red Lobster in Lakeland, Fla., in 1968 with a single restaurant. Today, there are more than 700 Red Lobster joints around the world. Red Lobster is a family-friendly restaurant whose mission is to bring inexpensive seafood to the masses. The menu always includes a fresh...