On NixOS Emacs 27.2 can be installed via nix-env -Ai nixos.emacs, or permanently with the following added to etc/nixos/configuration.nix: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # required dependencies git emacs # Emacs 27.2 ripgrep # optional dependencies coreutils # basic GNU utilities fd...
build-nixos.md build-openbsd.md build-osx.md build-unix.md build-windows.md developer-notes.md dnsseed-policy.md dogecoin_logo_doxygen.png fee-recommendation.md files.md fuzzing.md getting-started.md gitian-building.md init.md reduce-memory.md reduce-traffic.md release-notes.md release-proce...
首先,你需要安装 Nix: $ curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh 要确保设置必要的环境变量,请再次登录,或键入: . $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh 然后以下命令将安装最新版本的 Coq: $ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.coq_8_6 你也可以在不向 PATH 添加任何内容的情况下运行 CoqIDE: ...
Getting Started 1. GitHub 2. Deploy an Agent 2a. Terraform 2b. NixOps 2c. NixOS 2d. nix-darwin (macOS) 2e. Manual 3. Repository Setup Upgrade to Agent 0.9 Update Agent using Nix Flakes Multi-platform CI / Build Matrix Agent as Remote Builder Client Configure macOS for bui...
https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/quick-start.html This not “an issue” that we can fix with code but a technical constraint from one of the component we use to build Pinegrow. Currently, the only workaround is to use the application on the host system instead of a Virtual machine....
If the CUDA library is compiled with a newer C++ standard than what is available on the user's system, it results in runtime errors. I saw in your logs that you're on NixOS? I thought that means that such toolchains are more bleeding edge? In that light it's surprising to me that...
We are using nixos Full command: spark-shell --master local[*] --conf spark.executor.memory=1G --conf spark.executor.cores=4 --driver-memory 1g --conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=600 --conf spark.locality.wait=0s --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes=1G --conf spark.plugins...
NixOS On NixOS Emacs 26.3 can be installed via nix-env -Ai nixos.emacs, or permanently with the following added to etc/nixos/configuration.nix: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # required dependencies git emacs # Emacs 26.3 ripgrep # optional dependencies coreutils # basic GNU utili...
build-nixos.md build-openbsd.md build-unix.md build-windows.md developer-notes.md dnsseed-policy.md dogecoin_logo_doxygen.png experiments.md fee-recommendation.md files.md fuzzing.md getting-started.md gitian-building.md init.md reduce-memory.md reduce-traffic.md release-notes.md release-proce...
build-nixos.md build-openbsd.md build-unix.md build-windows.md developer-notes.md dnsseed-policy.md dogecoin_logo_doxygen.png experiments.md fee-recommendation.md files.md fuzzing.md getting-started.md gitian-building.md init.md reduce-memory.md reduce-traffic.md release-notes.md release-proce...