Figure 9. FPGA I/O in LabVIEW Project Explorer Right-click FPGA Target»New»VI. Left-click File»Save As …»RT This is a good starting point for a new project. Now it’s time to implement one of the examples. Data Acquisition The attached folder Getting Started has...
To use the sbRIO-9651 as a LabVIEW FPGA and LabVIEW Real-Time target in a LabVIEW project, you must first create a socketed component-level IP (CLIP) that defines the I/O configuration to use in your application. Use this tutorial to create a CLIP for the sbRIO-9651 and add it t...
Where to Go Next CompactRIO NI CompactDAQ NI 9208 Datasheet NI-RIO Help LabVIEW FPGA Help NI 9208 Datasheet NI-DAQmx Help LabVIEW Help RELATED INFORMATION C Series Documentation & Resources cseriesdoc Services Located at Installs with the software NI...
以下是五步策略,帮助程序员高效学习和应用LabVIEW新技术。1. 快速了解核心概念和基础知识目标: 建立对新技术的认知,理解应用场景。方法:查阅LabVIEW官网和NI社区的技术文档,浏览入门教程。使用YouTube、Bilibili视频快速了解核心功能。案例: 学习LabVIEW FPGA模块时,先查看“FPGA Module Getting Started Guide”,了解核心...
Select any additional software to install. If you plan on using the sbRIO-9627 with the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you can click Next. Tip You can use this wizard at anytime to install additional software. 7. Click Next. 8. Verify that the summary of software to install is correct. ...