Based on JSON, Lottie is a file format that was developed by Airbnb to create more complex animations than those available in standard CSS. Lottie files are much smaller than either gif or mp4, which makes them easier to embed into websites without increasing page load speeds. As a vector...
<com.airbnb.lottie.LottieAnimationView android:id="@+id/animationView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:lottie_rawRes="@raw/animation" app:lottie_autoPlay="true" app:lottie_loop="true"/> copy Your first Android project with Lottie animations is re...
Section 2: Getting Started Function Components Hooks useState useCallback useReducer useEffect / useLayoutEffect useRef Option 1: DOM element ref Option 2: Mutable value ref See also useImperativeHandle See also: Custom Hooks More Hooks + TypeScript reading: Example React Hooks + TypeScript Li...
Now that you have understood about Apache Airflow. In this section, you will learn how to get started with Apache Airflow in Python Environment and later in the article, you will learn more about using Airflow Python Operators. The following steps to set up Airflow with Python are listed ...
Before we get started, here are a few sample animations to get you excited. Lottie animations (source: Look exciting? Read on to find out how you can start using it in your iOS app. Dash All the API docs you need in one place ...
Lottie.js Emergence as a Flash Alternative: About a decade ago, the web animation landscape was in flux due to the decline of Adobe Flash, lacking a clear successor for creating web-friendly animations. In 2014, AirBnB introduced Lottie.js, a vector-based animation format designed for fast,...
ETL with Java as its input data. You must have successfully completed the first exercise before you can try this one. This time, your objective is to identify the best bargains among the various Airbnb listings using Spark machine learning algorithms. The steps here are for using the Console...
Here’s another example from Airbnb: If you’ve been browsing trips to wine country, this targeted email can help make your tour much more palatable through the offer of discounts, local guides, special attractions, and more. The Notification Email The notification email is generally just a ...
I want to automate or manage cleaning & maintenance for my rental property on Airbnb or other channels. I Manage a Workplace/Office I want to manage cleaning & maintenance for my office. I am a Pro I offer cleaning or other home services to clients. ...
I followed the instructions from to get started. But after I started the app in development mode with gulp, the app was started succesfully But when I connect to localhost:3000, I get a blank page From the sni...