Is Getting Student Loans Out of Default Right for You? While there are benefits to getting student loans out of default, borrowers should think carefully about when the time is right to do so. Unfortunately, it is common for borrowers who rehabilitate...
Several of the articles within the Building Support for Your Projects articles in our Project Management section will help you here. Look at our articles on Working With Project Sponsors, Stakeholder Analysis, Stakeholder Management, the RACI Matrix and Influence Maps. How to Use the Tool Each bus...
View from Groom: 401(k)/403(b) Hardship Substantiation Made Easier for Plan Sponsors and Recordkeepers Discusses the planning considerations for 403(b) retirement plans in the United States. 401(b) plans for nonprofit organizations; Importance of knowing exactly who is sponsoring the plan benefits...
Fiscal sponsorship is known to help organizations by offering practical advice, and it can also benefit projects that do not require longevity. Several success stories and the potential pitfalls of fiscal sponsorship for both the sponsors and projects are discussed.Quotah...
Linda Cho, CPA – Nonprofit Financial Advisor“As someone working in the nonprofit sector, I specifically look for CPE courses that address the unique challenges and regulations of nonprofit accounting. These specialized courses have been instrumental in my professional development.” Rajesh Singh, CPA...
Several of the articles within the Building Support for Your Projects articles in our Project Management section will help you here. Look at our articles on Working With Project Sponsors, Stakeholder Analysis, Stakeholder Management, the RACI Matrix and Influence Maps. How to Use the Tool Each bus...