And it’s kind of cool that I’m being treated like one of the boys and that I’m in on their friend group gossip, but also kind of gross locker room talk considering he’s equally friends with Nona and I get the impression he wouldn’t ask her the same. I forget what came next...
an…odor. We would bathe you, of course, but there was often this very sour smell. We couldn’t figure out why. Where was this funny smell... Continue Reading → Loading... June 11, 2019 1 Yeah, we take this Purim thing kinda seriously… Chag Purim Sameach! Happy Purim! In ...
For me –and this is my personal determination after months of searching, wondering, and compiling information–borax is just fine to use in my household cleaning routine. ESPECIALLY as a laundry detergent. It’s also fine to use, occasionally, as a hair treatment … or even in a lotion. ...
I woke up on New Years day and cleaned everything. Swept the living room floor, mopped it and swept it again. Scrubbed the bathtub, the stove, . . . stripped the bed and took the towels and all laundry to the laundromat. Four loads. I also went to the mall to find a present for...
The wind off the lagoon had a rich planktonic smell, like mudflats at dawn. As I looked across the canal toward Giudecca Island, my eye settled on the white marble façade of Il Redentore, a compact masterpiece by quintessential Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. The open-air dining ter...