There are two ways to do this. You can wrap the pill in some tasty food. A suggestion is to make some little meatballs from raw hamburger mince and wrap the pill inside. Make the meatball small enough so the cat doesn’t have to do much chewing to make it go down. Hand feed the ...
supple breasts mark up so easily when scratched and groped and Astrid can't wait to get her hands on her. These two have great chemistry and Astrid gives Alia her undivided attention. Astrid doesn't go easy on Alia, she plows her hole and shows her just the way to properly fuck a ...
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr Mouse, I can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me, I cannot be bothered by it.” The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the hous...
Cats are pretty clean creatures. But there's gonna come a time where your kitty is filthy, smelly or yucky and you're going to need to know how to bathe a cat. You'll alsoneed to knowhow to survive that whole 'bathing a cat' experience without being scratched to bits!
We only have scratched the surface here. Thesedtool is much more powerful than that. However, even if we have only seen four commands (s,p,d, andi) and a few basic regular expression constructs (^,$,.,?and.*), you already have enough knowledge to solvemanydays to day problems. ...
A simple examplethat shows how to select allh1elements in a page, fade them out, then fade them back in. This tutorial has only scratched the surface of jQuery. In future tutorials I’ll introduce different, powerful ways to select elements, and show how to manipulate elements, create advan...
We’ve only really scratched the surface of what’s possible with the WebMIDI API. Adding support for additional functionality besides basic “note on” and “note off” messages starts to get much more complex. If you’re looking for a great JavaScript library to radically simplify your code...
Catclaw. Not much Creosote so you have to travel hard to find it. Mark came in late Thursday night and this girl Ashley that Clark sent down also is here to help us for a week. So friday it was all four of us. A little hectic orchestrating that. Had to teach Ashley how to ...
There is atonof stuff to discover about GTD, and I’ve barely scratched the surface, so if you’re interested, definitely check out the resources above. Are you a GTD-er? Do you use Zenkit to manage your GTD workflow? Share your tips with everyone in the comments!
10 years ago, when I said there is pain and loss in adoption I have EVERYONE telling me I am crazy and banning my ass from every site known; 7 years ago when we started saying “hey, please don’t call her a birthmother until AFTER she signs the papers” people scratched their ...