The article offers suggestions regarding getting rid of grassweeds. Jim Orson, TAG's technical director, suggests that growers with grassweed problems should make plans to use isoproturon and/or trifluralin, and try to avoid using Atlantis. It is suggested...
The funniest reason study participants had given for douching was using it as time punctuator to get rid of a partner (i.e. “This was so much fun, I’m going to go douche now), like the in-person version of ending a phone call with an excuse (e.g. “I’ll let you get back ...
The funniest reason study participants had given for douching was using it as time punctuator to get rid of a partner (i.e. “This was so much fun, I’m going to go douche now), like the in-person version of ending a phone call with an excuse (e.g. “I’ll let you get back ...
half scrubby insufficient grass and weeds. We have really large shade-providing maple trees, complete with squirrels, woodpeckers, finches, hawks, crows, and sparrows. At certain times of the year we get warblers, nuthatches and juncos coming through. I used to feed the birds, until I acquired...