So, aside from looking good and feeling good, getting rid of the fat around your belly and having a six pack abs will also reduce your health risks such as hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, and diabetes.It's not easy to have washboard abs, and for some, it's downright ...
Losing weight: As cold exposure is known to increase the metabolic rate of the body it results in an increased burning of calories to produce warmth. Thereby, weight is lost as the body has to consume the body’s fat resources in order to it into heat. H) Conclusion I hope this article...
They're a drag because eventually they tend to become sickly sooner, succumb to premature hypertension, diabetes, debilitating arthritis and heart disease; all of which are killers. The healthy person ends up becoming the unhealthy person's caretaker or the unhealth...
This post may be a bit on the dense side but it’s about a real killer in our country and deserves a mention. I’m talking about diabetes. It’s a disease that causes a ghastly number of conditions from blindness, kidney disease and lower limb amputations. It’s also implicated in hea...
Harold Koplewicz:We have an educational system, but do we have a system that’s going to treat mental health symptoms and mental health disorders with the same kind of respect, scientific rigor, and funding that led to the advances we’ve made in cancer or diabetes or seizure disorders?
I love rice, pasta, potatoes – but most of all I love bread. I love hot bread and butter with some good, tasty Danish Blue Cheese on top. I can live without the carbs in my life – it’s not easy, but I can do it, because I know I need to. But I really do miss having ...
The first trimester is the first 3 months of your pregnancy. Foods to avoid during the third trimester of pregnancy include raw... Gestational Diabetes Learning how to avoid gestational diabetes is possible and maintaining a healthy weight and diet before and during pregnancy can... Can Having ...
Lying About How You Lost Weight Posted onJune 18, 2024bymmjdiary Oprah shilled for Weight Watchers even as she was losing weight thanks to one of the new wonder drugs intended for those with diabetes (Ms. Winfrey did not disclose which one). Dieters were convinced Oprah was just following...