If I got rid of my demons, I'd lose my angels. Republicans have pounced. They're outraged. They say, 'How dare you lie about caring for the people who got hurt in the war we lied them into?' —Bill Maher 1 ...we got this gift of life and we got it one time and we gonna ...
What follows is a rundown of the most common illnesses that travellers contract and how to avoid them – or how to help prevent them from occurring again. Plus a few of my more personal demons, for good measure. Hold onto your hats, guys, because we’re in for a pretty disgusting ride...
If you've tried everything you can think of to get rid of thiscurse, and you still can't shake it, take some time and talk to yourDeityorDeitiesof choice. Explain the situation, and askvery nicelyfor help in lifting thecurse. With any luck, yourdeitywill smile upon you and give you...