Before starting work, a good roofer will inspect the existing roof to determine if there is any damage and what needs to be done. Then they will provide an estimate and a contract for you to sign. If you are paying through insurance, the insurance company will already have approved the cl...
One does wonder what kind of contract terms exist between the banks and the funds — What happens if the loan risk is not what was represented? What are the consequences for the banks? Does this tale sound familiar? Think subprime, and you got it. We have been down this road before. ...
If you are frustrated with your connectivity with T-Mobile call them and tell them that they are breaking their contract with your non or spotty 3G coverage maybe you can get out of that contract and go to another carrier that offers the N1. Which Verizon will also soon be carrying if yo...
On top of that, I think the iPhone is the only cell phone that AT&T will not unlock after your contract is completed. Luckily Pwnage team are very dedicated to SW cracking the iPhone and go out of there way to not charge a dime for the service. ...
If I lose my iPhone I can expect to have my ass handed to me buying one without a contract. if I drop it, break it etc then it's a little hard to swallow the high cost of replacing it; what if it just stops working? These are not issues that I have on a Blackberry or an ...