Getting married? Have you thought about how it will impact your taxes? You may need to select a tax filing status, adjust your withholding and sell your home.
Email marketing automation is the ability to send emails at a set time and cadence. The automations can be predetermined (also referred to asemail drip campaigns) or they can be dynamic, based on recipient behavior. Addingautomation to your email marketing programis a great way to help you sa...
It doesn’t matter what type of small business you are, you can tailor the SEO of the products and services you sell AND/OR tailor the title of your business’ blog posts to take advantage of these searches and drive more traffic. Here’s What to Do For example, if you’re a realtor...
An email newsletter shares a collection of news, stories, or other business updates. The goal of an email newsletter is to maintain the relationship and engage recipients. Although this doesn’t mean newsletters don’t push to a harder sell of a product or service, it’s generally not the ...
Don’t be afraid of looking unready, and don’t give in to the temptation to hype the development status. Everyone knows that software evolves by stages; there’s no shame in saying “This is alpha software with known bugs. It runs, and works at least some of the time, but use at ...
“You can give yourself a special splurge every time you cross an item off your checklist. This could be a nice dinner out or great seats to a concert you have wanted to attend. Little splurges along the way will keep you motivated and heading in the right direction.” ...
However, you might also want to build your own checklist based on your unique financial circumstances, budget, and desired credit card features. That way, you can easily focus on your top priority—whether you want to earn the most rewards, improve your credit score, minimize fees, or ...
As a college student, here's a checklist of what you'll generally need when applying for credit cards with no credit:Your full legal name Your current address Your current employment status Your Social Security Number (SSN) or, as an alternative, your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (...
There are also books which help with getting your poetry into good shape and published - a good one is by Chris Hamilton-Emery, the Publishing Director of Salt Publishing, and it's called101 Ways to Make Poems Sell.We havereviewed iton the site.It's well worth buying this, as it's fu...
I’ll get home at a reasonable time, and then at the end of each month, I’m working well into the late evening. So, planning dinner is a challenge, as I’m not always certain when I’ll get home and not always sure if my husband will be home with food ready or ready to cook...