Getting published in academic journals is increasingly important for research students in terms of gaining employment when they complete their degree. This is especially the case as the competition for entry-level academic positions increases across the world. Publishing is also, of course, important ...
Since July 2018, the Springer Nature Transfer Desk has helped more than 12,000 authors find suitable journals for their work, saving them time and effort in helping get their results out to the world T The Source 28 May 2019 book publishing Academic books and big picture thinking Read the...
摘要: We examine the challenges of publishing in top academic journals. We introduce a new data set summarizing 30 years of articles at the three top finance journals关键词: publish or perish academic journal ranking behavioral finance 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
"Getting Published in International Journals" gives European social scientists the analytical, contextual, structural, and stylistic writing tools for maximizing the academic writer's chances of publication in the top journals in his or her field. The book reveals the unwritten rules of English ...
The process of publishing research in academic journals can be mystifying. In this chapter, the authors offer insights from their experiences publishing as early-career scholars. In addition to discussing nuts and bolts (e.g., what a response letter to a “revise and resubmit” decision needs ...
Gettingpublished Outline •Theimperativetopublish•Theauthor’sview:thestoriesof3ofmy publications•Thereviewer’sview:aselectionofnegativereviews•Bookreviewing:testingthewaters Whypublish?••••• DisseminationofknowledgeAcademicdialogueEstablishandmaintain...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Dovepress open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article ORIGINAL RESEARCH SciPub–019–Getting Your Article Published in Scientific Journals- an Event Report This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: Journal of ...
university libraries pay for academic journals through subscriptions. However, scientific articles are increasingly available for free (‘open access’) under different modalities. Three factors have facilitated the emergence of open access: sharp decreases in dissemination costs with the advent of ...
keeping up necessitates antibiotics — a lot of antibiotics. Both the condition and its treatment have side effects, and the old and infirm are disproportionately affected. Thankfully, a slew of new sepsis studies that address the key questions have been published in mainstream medical journals. ...
avoided. Also described are some of the little known influences on what actually gets published in scholarly journals. Every medical writer needs to know the truth about open-access journals and predatory publishers, as well as the common reasons that manuscripts are rejected by reputable journals....