(2007). Gettingpast the affair. A program to help you cope, heal, and move on-together or apart. New York: The Guilford Press.Snyder, D., Baucom, D. and Gordon, K. (2007) Getting Past the Affair. New York: Guilford Press.
Winner of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Seal of Merit! In the aftermath of infidelity, couples often struggle with emotional turmoil and sometimes make decisions they later regret. Getting Past the Affair helps them overcome the initial shock, understand what...
Getting Past the Affair: A Program To Help You Cope, Heal and Move On-Together or Apart. The article reviews the book "Getting Past the Affair: A Program To Help You Cope, Heal and Move On--Together or Apart," by Douglas K. Snyder and others....
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there are ways that you can find out if your wife is cheating and then use the information as leverage in order to improve your relationship. If you catch her red-handed, it will be easier for both of you to move past the affair and work toward a better future together than if she ...
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sectors for the past two decades. Overtly sensitive to the extent to which Gen X and Gen Z Latino entrepreneurs have felt marginalized—and amid a glaring lack of formal advocacy and representation despite this group’s collective size, scale and contribution to the U.S. economic picture—...
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Getting Past the Affair by Douglas K. Snyder, Donald H. Baucom and Kristina Coop Gordondoi:10.1111/j.1467-6427.2008.00433_2.xBarrySystemicMasonSystemicWileyJournal of Family Therapy
Getting past the affair: a program to help you cope, heal, and move on–together or apart. New York, NY: Guilford; 2007.Snyder, D. K., Baucom, D. H., & Gordon, K. C. (2007). Getting past the affair: A program to help you cope, heal, and move on - Together or apart. ...