3. Smaller practices, especially those in primary care, are getting swallowed up by large health systems. 较小的诊所,特别是初级保健方面的诊所,正在被大型卫生系统所吞噬。 4. They both are getting paid substantially less than the man I hired earlier this month, and to be honest I am getting ...
You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. — Jim Rohn Most people work just hard enough not to get fired, and get paid just enough money not to quit. — George Carlin You get paid for being right first, and to be first, you can’t wait for consensus. — Naval Ravikant ...
Some people haven't received all their Social Security benefits, even though they paid into the system. A new law changes that. Maryalene LaPonsieJan. 10, 2025 Social Security Fairness Act: What It Is Consider these jobs that value experienced workers. Rachel HartmanJan. 10, ...
type AppProps = { message: string; count: number; disabled: boolean; /** array of a type! */ names: string[]; /** string literals to specify exact string values, with a union type to join them together */ status: "waiting" | "success"; /** an object with known properties (but...
Another option for getting paid is to receive a draw, which is basically an advance on the profit distribution paid out of the member's equity share of the company. A draw is often used when a member needs regular income and doesn't want to wait for profit distributions. When profit is...
The article discusses issues related to the reimbursement for depression care. When a family physicians diagnose patients with depression, they submit psychiatric diagnosis codes with appropriate evaluation and management codes, but t...
are young away from free consumption to paid music formats (格式),they may never develop music purchasing behavior," warned Mulligan " recording industry could suffer long-term harm." 1. Jon Bon Jovi thinks Steve Jobs has destroyed the music industry because ___. A. Apple encourages illegal ...
"It is getting harder and harder. Teachers aren't paid enough and can hardly make a fair living," a high school teacher said to Pew. "We love your kids and we want the best for them," an elementary school teacher wrote. "We spend more time with your kids than with our own kids,...
non-refundable:of something you buy : not allowed to be returned in exchange for the money you paidof a payment : not to be returned custody N-UNCOUNT Custody is the legal right to keep and take care of a child, especially the right given to a child's mother or father when they get...
A living will, also known as an advance directive, controls decisions around end-of-life care. It's necessary to clarify what types of life-prolonging medical treatment you do or do not want in the event you become terminally ill or injured and are unable to communicate your wishes. ...