Ifyoulostyourway,whatshouldyoudo?IfImlostinanunfamiliarcityIlldosuchthingstohelpmyselfout.FirstofallI 37、llfindapublic.JustlikeschoolhospitalpolicedepartmentandIcanasksomeoneshelp.Illtrytofindmypositionfirstthenfindtherightway.Secondifthereisntanypublicspace.Illtrytofindatelephoneandcall110.35. Doyou...
Most of what we buy, we use only a few times anyway so why not reuse someones gently used item. But I have found a few “used” things I am still using years later such as a solid teak coffee table I found for 30$. I collected all my pottery/dishes over a period of about ...
4:48 p.m.— Nope didn’t think so. I finally give them THE EYES (the ones that say —I am dead inside my brain, please let me go home and recharge my body)… hustle Little Bun out and into his seat to eat his snack quickly so I can rush home (I am late) and giv...
not only because you have brightened up someones elses day, but also becuase they have been nice back… The sooner everybody realises this about everything in life, the sooner this is gonna be a nicer world to live in Benjy 25 May 05 Some companies need to work on improving their ...