Just that you're not going to earn as much in interest as you were before they lowered it. This is no surprise and was entirely predictable. When the Fed cuts interest rates, the banks lower interest rates to balance the scales. I imagine every other HYSA is going to ...
interest rates; Importance of changing daily habits in order to save money; Rise in the amount of mortgages more than 90 days past due; Advice for consumers to request that their interest rates be lowered on their credit cards and for their deductibles to...
Warning: Many retail cards have low spending limits and high interest rates, saysJohn Ulzheimer, president of consumer education for SmartCredit.com. For example, at Best Buy, the annual percentage rate on their Reward Zone card ranges from 24.24% to 27.99%. Failing to make an on-time paym...
However, in the here and now, if you do have credit card debt that you’re working on paying off, getting a new credit card and transferring your balance could result in hundreds of dollars in savings on interest. Many cards offer 0% introductory rates for purchases or balance transfers....
In the interest of keeping these episodes around ten minutes, that will do it for now. In the meantime, venture away from your front door, look at the world around you, open your mind wide, and do some deep thinking. Part two of this first episode will be along soon. Before I go ...
a Chore Stay Lean Chapter 10: Less Mass Chapter 11: Lower Your Cost of Change Chapter 12: The Three Musketeers Chapter 13: Embrace Constraints Chapter 14: Be Yourself Priorities Chapter 15: What's the Big Idea? Chapter 16: Ignore Details Early On Chapter 17: It's a Problem When It's ...
The theory was to transfer my current credit card debt to my new card since it offered a 0% balance transfer. I would stop spending and just work on paying off the debt and save money on interest charges simultaneously. It sounds simple enough, but it didn’t work!
Example: If you only haul large items a couple of times a year, it might be more practical to rent a pickup truck when needed rather than drive a gas guzzler every single day. Once you’ve zeroed in on makes and models that interest you, take the time find out what other people are...
Jessica and Aaron Jenkins got in way over their heads when they bought their 5-bedroom dream home in Corona, California for over $700,000. They paid $2,800 dollars a month on their interest-only loan -- never touching the principal. ...
They pretty much laughed in a very good-natured way and had the game on like 20 seconds later. Now you can be pretty certain they had no interest in that game, but were so kind to put the game on. Imagine that like at a sit down place run by whites. Most would look at...