I had no funding when I was admitted, but was able to obtain solid scholarships in subsequent years. Securing funding is an ongoing process, so be prepared, no matter what your initial award, to write a number of grants each year. Although the grim facts are rarely advertised, graduate stu...
We are still seeking grant funding that will support the computer science research side of MilkyWay@home. A few years ago when we were stretched for funding between grants, we raised about $7000 in private donations, most of which were from MilkyWay@home volunteers. The remaining portion of th...
Thankfully, since 2012 when I first entertained the idea of pursuing a PhD, we've experienced a robust bull market.My net worthhas grown along with the rise in stock and real estate prices. Consequently, I finally feel financially secure enough to pursue higher education again! It's ironic ...
Organizational Science Funding Our funding is competitive. We provide $25,000 annually for four years, support to attend up to three conferences per year, and other scholarship opportunities. Why Calgary? Calgary is Canada’s fourth largest city and was recently named the fifth most livable city ...
In addition, if the Professorial Board of a university approves a new proposal it must be sent to all other universities for scrutiny and any one of them can disapprove. The first requirement is an outstanding proposal followed by available funding (not cheap) accompanied by advocates within the...
That community members did not identify a decline in funding for drug and alcohol services may speak to a lack of awareness about these services among the general public. Since most people do not need to engage with substance abuse services, they are unlikely to have a high degree of ...
Ali J. M. Sumner, Cert Grad Mngt, MBL, PhD Abstract Work teams are intrinsic to how 21st century organizations operate. For several decades, business research has therefore focused on work team performance.
…and his novel anti-cancer therapy research brought in over $150k in grant funding. But this wasn’t enough to get him Arunodoy in the U.S. Why? Because Arunodoy was an international PhD. As Arunodoy prepared for the transition to an industry job, he encountered a big barrier. ...
Hi, I am now learning how to use VOSviewer for systematic literature review, but I encounter some issues. I download cvs file from Web of Science and remove the funding information already, but when I upload the cvs file on VOSviewer, I received an error message "cannot find author (AF...
CLIMATE CANDIDATES In the United States, an increasing number of researchers say that they are ready to join the political fight, their resolve galvanized by President Trump's ambition to eviscerate US climate policy and slash federal funding for science — an agenda that has emboldened long...