What is an anal swab, and is it better at detecting the virus than other tests? Some scientists believe traces of COVID-19 can live longer in the rectum than the respiratory system, soan anal swab is believed to be more accurate. The digestive tract also can have a larger concentration o...
COVID-19 pandemicSOCIAL theoryDECISION makingSOCIAL contextBased on my digital anthropological research (nethnography, online surveys, and in-depth interviews) this paper will examine the individual decision-making processes and choices related to getting married during times of ...
People born overseas have been40% more likelyto die from COVID than those born here. Indigenous Australians have been60% more likelyto die from COVID than non-Indigenous people. And the most disadvantaged people have been2.8 timesmore likely to die from COVID than those in the wealthiest are...
Here’s what you should know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccine rolling out to zoo animals—and why your pets aren’t getting it.
For many people who have already had COVID, a reinfection is often milder than an earlier case. But people who are 65 and older, pregnant or immunocompromised remain at higher risk of serious complications from COVID. Lathrop said he has sen...
Zoos across the country are giving their cats, primates, and otters vaccines for COVID-19. How did we develop a veterinary vaccine so fast?
Before I get into my experience with the Moderna COVID vaccine, I have to say: writing this post feels surreal. This past year has been long, hard, and incredibly scary. To be sitting here typing this, vaccinated and seeing our society be so close to reaching the light at the end of...
Nunez-Smith previously told the Financial Times she was worried about misinformation on COVID-19 specifically targeting Black communities. And already in the Black community, some influential people have shared anti-vaccine memes; there’s also widespread misinformation claiming the vaccines...
. In either case, it’s not going to be a smooth transition. Some people would prefer to continue working from home — while others may still be concerned about their safety. The good news, though, is that the following strategies can be used to get you excited about work after COVID....
As someone who bared her bicep a couple of weeks ago to get the COVID-19 vaccination, I can say that it didn’t hurt a bit, thank you doctor. The Editor and the Prime Minister are quite right, we all need to be brave people and get the jab. ...