He is a trustee of Save the Children UK and has been a trustee of WWF-UK Getting It: Expert Perspectives on the Corporate Response to Climate Change 21 22 About ACCA About The Global Reporting Initiative ACCA is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant...
Getting to Grips with EU Citizenship: Understanding the Friction Between UK Immigration Law and EU Free Movement Law This booklet is part of the "Getting to Grips with..." series, which is intended for the general reader who wants to understand important trends in vocatio... J Shaw,N Miller...
Consistent servicesillustrates that several participants benefited from long-term treatment for long-term recovery, but this was often hindered by structural barriers and a lack of continuity in care. This was brought up by many participants when they reflected on what would have been helpful to the...
Seeking help from an experienced Immigration service provider is always advisable. They make the process easierbecause they have expertise in the same. They understand the Visa rules and requirements well. In addition, Immigrants get information on citizenship details, conditions of travelling and stayin...
The article presents the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) every school librarian has to know as the fundamental learning expectations for students represented by CCSS will come to all states. School librarians can leverage their position by linking CCSS to the American Association of School Librarie...
[6]NOU (2009) Det du gjør, gjør det helt. Bedre samordning av tjenester for utsatte barn og unge (Whatever You Do, Do It Well. Better Coordination of Services for Children and Adolescents). Norwegian Official Report, Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. (In Norwegian...
citizenship to non-Romans, which made them citizens and stakeholders rather than victims of the empire. Civilization: The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson In the 1400’s, the East contained the most advanced civilizations on Earth and the West was basically a dump.  What happened?
Women's Citizenship in the Time of Activation: The Case of Lone Mothers in "Needs-Based" Welfare States An important international trend in welfare state change is the emphasis on activation, meaning participation in paid employment. What are the implications of this for women's citizenship? The...
The Chinese government has recently banned one of its most popular cartoons for children, “Pleasant Sheep and the Big Bad Wolf”. During the run of the 1,000 episode series, it was determined that the sheep in this domestic comedy got boiled 839 times and the grey wolf got hit over the...
For most women, the primary motivation for wearing the niqab is religious, though supplementary reasons are also offered. The niqab is an embodied practice that represents a personal spiritual journey. Women’s explanations for why and when they wear the niqab suggest a complex intermingling of ...