Class differentials in getting parental assistance for seeking a second chance of getting into university: an illustration of community-college students in... While a class gap remains in obtaining a degree despite an expansion of higher education, a variety of second chances have become available....
including Rebuilding Together Alexandria, which works year-round to repair and rehabilitate homes free of cost for those in need, including the elderly, persons with disabilities, military veterans and families with children.
Seniors should be encouraged to plan for their future and to find out about local help and services available to them in advance of their requiring any assistance.doi:10.1046/j.1365-2702.2001.00484.xRoe, BrendaWhattam, MaxineYoung, Heather...
which standsatonly2per cent, and also expresses concern that, despite an overall increase in the nominal volume and share of official development assistance to Africa, such assistance will likelyriseby just1per cent a year in real terms,
moderate-to-vigorous physical activity minutes/day derived from accelerometry data (cut point ≥ 760 counts per minute) [49, 50]; and the life space assessment (LSA) questionnaire [51] scored from 0 (totally bed-bound) to 120 (travels out of the city every day without assistance) [...
With the assistance of the trades concerned, we have implemented a number of voluntary producer responsibility schemes including the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme, Computer Recycling Programme, Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme and Glass Container Recycling Programme targetting the hotel industry....
1P1-B19 Research of the assistance in sit-to-stand movement of Parkinson's disease using moving type handrail In this study, the model which can calculate the velocity at seat-off in enabled situation to assist the sit-to-stand movement for parkinson's disease suff... S Aomura,O Nitta,...
(CSAIL) have recently created a new algorithm to help a robot find efficient motion plans to ensure physical safety of its human counterpart. In this case, the bot helped put a jacket on a human, which could potentially prove to be a powerful tool in expanding assistance for those with ...
Smart bedroom for the elderly with gesture and posture analyses using kinect using the forearm to wave for a need of assistance; getting a warning of a possible risk of bed falling or of oversleeping past the usual wakeup time... P Mongkolnam,Y Booranrom,B Watanapa,... 被引量: 0发表:...
aWhen the Guangdong scheme had not begun, the elderly people who qualified for social assistance should receive their payments in Hong Kong, traffic caused a problem for them and the process of receiving their payments was very complex. 当广东计划未开始,在社会救济在香港合格应该收到他们的付款的年...