There are a few ways to get the root node in Godot, but none of them are straightforward, intuitive, portable, or concise. get_tree().get_root().get_node("rootNodeName") is an example of what I mean. It gets even worse when trying to get a node anywhere in the tree with a par...
In the case of script attachement, the provided script file is loaded, then a script_created signal is emitted. Attachment code Another part of the godot editor receives the signal with the Ref<Script> in it and attach it to the Node. We have very little control over the whole process. ...
The core of Dear ImGui is self-contained within a few platform-agnostic files which you can easily compile in your application/engine. They are all the files in the root folder of the repository (imgui*.cpp, imgui*.h). No specific build process is required. You can add the .cpp ...