Address it now, before the next order is received, before the next shipment is made, before the next employee termination, before you execute the next license agreement. Get that problem to someone who can fix it, not litigate it. Litigation almost always hands you the chance to add long-...
How I didn't know about this years ago hits me deep in my supermodel-thin wallet. Just this last Christmas, my family and I were bumped off our flight from Boise to Chicago. And because we didn't know to inquire about a bump payout, we missed out on a round-trip-and-a-half's ...
In March, when we met, I was in the middle of a semester off that was built into my program so my cohort could pass our nursing boards and deal with the bureaucratic nonsense that is applying for a license in multiple states with disparate and equally ancient systems. I got fingerprinted...
Rcqj iisfeccp nesrivo 1.0 bxax ja aievllaba nrdue cn Ccphae 2 snliece ( usn zj vblaweie nx DjrHug (vzk B erpcordu jc asxf xdaq vr aong essgemas edinis Kafka liestf. Zkt example, jl ow skt naer...
my first son outgrew his baby clothes. And then when the second did…and now that the third is. I grieve a little bit every time I buy a bigger size for my oldest. I grieved when my son came home from school asking “Mama, what’s a gun?” I grieved when family members didn’...
"#@title Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n", "# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n", "# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n", "#\n", "#\n", ...