我在 Android 8.1 和 Android 9.0 上测试过,无法获取 SSID 的名称。 用于获取 WiFi 状态变化的广播接收器: private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if(intent.getAction().equals(...
用于获取 WiFi 状态变化的广播接收器:private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if(intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION) || intent.getAction().equals(...
解决8.0/9.0获取Wifi名字为空 WifiInfo.getSSID为空的情况 最近遇到一个奇怪的bug,部分手机上获取wifi的名字,通过WifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID()为"unknown ssid",调试查看SSID为"",这导致接下来的一系列逻辑都出现了问题。目前发现RROS(Remix)的ROM会出现这个问题。特此记录解决方法。 首先实例化WifiMana...
最近遇到一个奇怪的bug,部分手机上获取wifi的名字,通过WifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID()为"unknown ssid",调试查看SSID为"",这导致接下来的一系列逻辑都出现了问题。目前发现RROS(Remix)的ROM会出现这个问题。特此记录解决方法。 首先实例化WifiManager和ConnectivityManager mWifiManager = (WifiManager) this...
oppo a52、vivo X50 Pro接口返回[unknown ssid],请帮忙排查,万分感谢!
Log.d(TAG, "isWifiConnectionWhitelisted: SSID unknown due to wifiInfo == null"); return false; } String wifiSsid = wifiInfo.getSSID(); if (wifiSsid == null) { Log.w(TAG, "isWifiConnectionWhitelisted: Got null SSID. Try to enable android location service."); return false; } return ...
Original mesh and textures created for SFC by unknown (was found in Chris Jones TNG mega mod, and there were a hell of alot of ships in the mod as well!!! bit well done to Chris) Designated, I think, as the "Tolstoy Class" and seems to be a light to medium Destroyer. Original ...
最近遇到一个奇怪的bug,部分手机上获取wifi的名字,通过WifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID()为"unknown ssid",调试查看SSID为"",这导致接下来的一系列逻辑都出现了问题。目前发现RROS(Remix)的ROM会出现这个问题。特此记录解决方法。 首先实例化WifiManager和ConnectivityManager ...