s3.getObject(getParams,function(err, data) {// Handle any error and exitif(err)returnerr;// No error happened// Convert Body from a Buffer to a StringletobjectData = data.Body.toString('utf-8');// Use the encoding necessary}); 您可能不需要从data.Body对象创建新缓冲区,但如果需要,您可...
So it looks like going by the latest PR: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3/pull/3977/files The recommended way to do this is now: import { GetObjectCommand, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'; import { sdkStreamMixin } from '@aws-sdk/util-stream-node'; const s3Client = ...
is there a limit of open connections to s3 objects? do I have to / how can I close connections (that are not needed anymore)? in general (and maybe more a node.js performance question): is good practice to open hundreds of streams at once?
javascript node.js amazon-web-services amazon-s3 nodejs-stream 1个回答 2投票 正如OP提到的,您尝试上传到S3的文件具有相对较大的大小(~1 GB)。这里正在创建两个流,通过管道传输单个 fileStream: const uploadStream = fileStream.pipe(new stream.PassThrough()); const readStream = fileStream.pipe(new...
aws CLI是什么东西,暂且先不去了解,目前的需求是s3. 我在Jenkins上创建一个bucket,然后申请access_...
✔ Image public.ecr.aws/lambda/nodejs:16 up-to-date. ✔ Image localstack/localstack-pro:latest updated. ✔ Image localstack/localstack-pro:3.0.2 up-to-date. ✔ Image localstack/localstack-pro:3.0.0 up-to-date. ✔ Image localstack/localstack-pro:2.3.2 up-to-date. ──────...
("S3Dataset download error key:%s error:%@",options.fileName,error);returncallback(error);}).on('httpData',function(chunk){file.write(chunk);}).on('httpDone',function(){file.end();if(self.logger)self.logger.info("S3Dataset file download saved to %s",options.filePath);returncallback...
[javascript] view plain copy const a = async () => { return Sequelize.findAll({}) ...