Getlink SE reported EUR0.31 in EPS Earnings Per Share for its fiscal semester ending in December of 2023. Data for Getlink SE | GET - EPS Earnings Per Share including historical, tables and charts were last updated by Trading Economics this last July in
Getlink SE Getlink SE is a holding company, which engages in infrastructure management and transport operations. It operates through the following segments: Eurotunnel, Europorte, and ElecLink. The Eurotunnel segment is involved in the group's holding company Getlink SE as well as its direct sub...
Date Type Shareholder Title Transaction Type Share Price Shares Value Jul 24, 2023 Purchase Jean Mouton Acquisition $16.07 PER SHARE 3,100 $49,807 Jul 21, 2023 Sale Philippe Vanderbec Disposition $16.03 PER SHARE 125 $2,003 May 26, 2023 Purchase Leriche Yann Derivative/Non-derivative $...
Calculation to find out price difference in percentage. Calendar - Can't select past date Calendar Booking Sytem Calendar Control with Drop Down selection for Month/Year. Calendar error - "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime" CALENDAR: Disable past dates Calen...
This image links to share the page over LinkedIn. Share this website with email We're firm believers in the Golden Rule, which is why editorial opinions are ours alone and have not been previously reviewed, approved, or endorsed by included advertiser...
This isn't a loan, per se, but it may be appropriate if you are struggling to keep up with your debt payments. A certified credit counseling agency will help you create a 3-to-5-year plan to pay off all your debts with a single...
Clarke RJ, Mayo G, Price P et al. (1991) Suppression of Thromboxane A2but not of systemic prosta cyclin by controlled-release aspirin. N Engl J Med 325: 1137–1141 ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Clissold SP (1986) Aspirin and related derivatives of salicylic acid. Drugs 32(S4): 8–26 ...
und Immittelβ noch ferner vorgefallen seint, also beschaffen, daβ nit allein unser, sondern auch, deβ lieben Vatterlandts unumbgängliche notturfft und wolfahrt erfordert, daβ darüber schleunig (Will man nit alles über und über gehen laβen) deliberirt, und maβ nötig, vorg...
This isn't a loan, per se, but it may be appropriate if you are struggling to keep up with your debt payments. A certified credit counseling agency will help you create a 3-to-5-year plan to pay off all your debts with a single ...
This isn't a loan, per se, but it may be appropriate if you are struggling to keep up with your debt payments. A certified credit counseling agency will help you create a 3-to-5-year plan to pay off all your debts with a single payment that may be more affordable than your current...