For multibyte character sets (MBCS),GetLengthcounts each 8-bit character; that is, a lead and trail byte in one multibyte character are counted as two bytes. Example The following example demonstrates the use ofCString::GetLength. CString Overview|Class Members|Hierarchy Chart See AlsoCString::Is...
示例5: CStringToNPStringCharacters ▲点赞 1▼ char*CStringToNPStringCharacters(constCString &str){ CStringW wstr = CT2W(str);intnUTF8 = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0, wstr, wstr.GetLength() +1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL);if(nUTF8 ==0)returnNULL;char* utf8str = (char*)NPN_MemAlloc(nUTF...
hualimengyu Cstring getlength 在多字节(ANSI)环境里面 int iCount = 0; CString strMyString; strMyString = _T("中文字符"); iCount = strMyString.GetLength(); //iCount = 8 strMyString = _T("English char"); iCount = strMyString.GetLength();//iCount = 12 strMyString = _T("混合cha...
CString::GetLength()获得字节数的正确方法 前段时间,做http协议上传文件及断点续传控件时,在客户端采用C++调用CHttpConnection、CHttpFile进行文件上传。移植到Unicode编码时,上传得到的文件总是小于正常文件。最终发现问题出在CString::GetLength()方法上。当采用Unicode编码时,而且http header字符串中出现了中文或其其他多...
“If you use the pointer returned by GetBuffer to change the string contents, you must call ReleaseBuffer before using any other CString member functions. ” 即调用GetLength()之前,先掉用ReleaseBuffer()函数; 例如: S.ReleaseBuffer(); for(i=0; i<S.GetLength(); i++) // 对加密结果进行转换 ...
关于Cstring::GetLength() strText.GetLength(); 返回的是字符个数(不包括结尾的空字符),要视乎你编译是UNICODE还是MBCS(多字符集)。CString 本身就是TCHAR的封装,所以你定义了UNICODE那么他就占两个字节,否则就是一个字节。 我通常使用下面代码来取得字符串的字节数:...
CString::GetLength 返回的是字节数,而sizeof( _TCHAR )的值是1,所以archive.Write( str, str.GetLength( ) * sizeof( _TCHAR ) ); // valid相当于archive.Write( str, str.GetLength( ) ); // valid
// example for CString::GetLengthCString s( "abcdef" );ASSERT( s.GetLength() == 6 );CString::GetLength int GetLength( ) const;返回值:返回字符串中的字节计数。说明:此成员函数用来获取这个CString对象中的字节计数。这个计数不包括结尾的空字符。对于多字节字符集(MBCS),GetLength按每一...
CString and GetLengthArticle 02/06/2009 I ran into this problem recently when debugging some native code and thought that it will be good to share this with everyone.CString sampleString = CString(_T("Sample\0String"), 14);int len = sampleString.GetLength(); // len is 14...