语法:CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); 获取窗口句柄(全集) vc&MFC 获得窗口句柄: this->m_hwnd HWND GetForegroundWindow(VOID); GetSafehWnd 取你程序所在窗口类的句柄 GetActiveWindow 取当前活动窗口句柄 AfxGetMainWnd 取主窗口句柄 GetForegroundWindow 取前台窗口句柄 FindWindow EnumWindow 多操作多练习和运...
MFC-GetItemText获取文本 方式一 CString str1 = mylist4.GetItemText(1,1);//获取文本/*参数1:int nItem 行号 参数2:int nSubItem 列号*/OutputDebugString(str1); 方式二 TCHAR szBuf[1024]; LVITEM lvi; lvi.iItem=0;//行号lvi.iSubItem =1;//列号lvi.mask =LVIF_TEXT; lvi.pszText=szBuf; ...
MFC-CListCtrl-LVM_GETITEMTEXT获取项文本 LVITEM lvi; TCHAR ch[256]; lvi.pszText=ch; lvi.cchTextMax=256; lvi.mask=LVIF_TEXT; ::SendMessage(hWnd4, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)0,(LPARAM)&lvi);//获取项信息/*参数3:WPARAM 列表视图项的索引 参数4:LPARAM 指向 LVITEM 结构的指针 【项信息保存在结...
int GetDlgItemText( int nID, CString& rString) const;通过ID获取控件的文字 GetWindowText是获取窗口的文字,如对话框的标题。GetItemtext这个不是独立的函数,是CListCtr或者CListView的方法,获取列表框某项的文字。
nSubItem:指定的子项目,是要检索的文本。(字段,列) lpszText:即收到该项目的文本字符串的指针。 nLen:缓冲区的长度,由lpszText所指向。 返回值: 返回检索字符串的长度(int)。 返回一个CString的文本 C语言用intGetItemText(intnItem,intnSubItem,LPTSTRlpszText,intnLen)const; MFC用CStringG...
Each item in the CMFCShellListCtrl object may have text in one or more columns. When the framework calls this method, it specifies the column that it is interested in. If you call this function manually, you must also specify the column that you are interested in.By default, this method...
CMFCCustomizeMenuButton Class CMFCDropDownListBox Class CMFCMousePropertyPage Class CMFCOutlookBarPaneAdapter Class CMFCOutlookBarPaneButton Class CMFCOutlookBarPaneList Class CMFCOutlookBarScrollButton Class CMFCOutlookBarToolBar Class CMFCPropertySheetCategoryInfo Class CMFCPropertySheetTabCtrl Class CMFCProper...
Each item in the CMFCShellListCtrl object may have text in one or more columns. When the framework calls this method, it specifies the column that it is interested in. If you call this function manually, you must also specify the column that you are interested in.By default, this method...