语言: English 联系: Gethsemane House of Prayer 132 General Harbin Blvd. Meridianville, AL 35759 256-693-5093 网站: http://www.ghop-bfm.org/ 电子邮件: admin@ghop-bfm.org 本节目下次播出时间为: 3月 3日(周一) 上午10点。
甚至死亡…我們的主耶穌基督發現自己陷入了這種肉身的險境時,在園內祈求從即將臨頭的死亡中獲得解脫,這樣祂便能〔在第二天〕上十字架來完成祂的使命(J. Oliver Buswell, Ph.D.,A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion,Zondervan Publishing House, 1962, part III, 第62頁)。
针对这种观念,凌斯基博士 (Dr. Lenski) 列举并回答了一系列令人混淆并且相互矛盾的理论;这些理论很可能就是从希伯来书5:7 引申而来的 (R. C. H. Lenski, Ph.D.,The Interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Epistle of James,Augsburg Publishing House, 1966 版, 第162-165页; 对希伯来书 ...
1.a garden E of Jerusalem, near the brook of Kidron: scene of Jesus' agony and betrayal. Matt. 26:36. 2.(l.c.) a scene or occasion of suffering; calvary. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, ...
The Goal of Contemplatives: Changing the Consciousness of Humanity - One Contemplative Prayer After the Next - Lighthouse Trails Inc Tattered n Torn CD Prayer in the New Testament Card from Gethsemane Baptist Church Gethsemane road to St. Stephen’s Gate thronged with pilgrims. N. from Olivet ...
54Having arrested Him, they led Himawayand brought Him to the house of the high priest; butPeter was following at a distance.55After they had kindled a fire in the middle ofthe courtyard and had sat down together, Peter was sitting among them.56And a servant-girl, seeing him as he ...
Liam's Lomi House ¥2785/人 东南亚菜 直线距离29.3km 查看全部 Rotary Club of Candelaria Marker 直线距离1.1km Iglesia Ni Cristo - Lokal ng Candelaria (Quezon West District Office) 1.5 直线距离1.2km LDB Sports Arena 1.6 直线距离1.3km 查看全部 BoardWalk Direct Selling 综合商场 ...
1.a garden E of Jerusalem, near the brook of Kidron: scene of Jesus' agony and betrayal. Matt. 26:36. 2.(l.c.) a scene or occasion of suffering; calvary. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, ...
針對這種觀念,凌斯基博士 (Dr. Lenski) 列舉並回答了一系列令人混淆並且相互矛盾的理論;這些理論很可能就是從希伯來書5:7 引申而來的 (R. C. H. Lenski, Ph.D.,The Interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Epistle of James,Augsburg Publishing House, 1966 版, 第162-165頁; 對希伯來書...
受难者此时可能会立刻晕厥、甚至死亡…我们的主耶稣基督发现自己陷入了这种肉身的险境时,在园内祈求从即将临头的死亡中获得解脱,这样祂便能〔在第二天〕上十字架来完成祂的使命(J. Oliver Buswell, Ph.D.,A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion,Zondervan Publishing House, 1962, part III, 第62页)...