+++ b/drivers/pcmcia/at91_cf.c @@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ static int at91_cf_get_status(struct pcmcia_socket *s, u_int *sp) int vcc = gpio_is_valid(cf->board->vcc_pin); *sp = SS_DETECT | SS_3VCARD; - if (!rdy || gpio_get_value(rdy)) + if (!rdy || gpio_get_value...
uint16_tstatus=0; 定义一个无符号16位整数变量status,并初始化为0。 if(EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line0)==SET) 检查外部中断线路0是否产生了中断。 status=GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_0); 读取GPIOA引脚0的输入状态,并将其存储在status变量中。 EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line0); 清除外部中断线路...
void EXTI0_IRQHandler() { uint16_t status1 = 0; uint16_t status2 = 0; if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line0) == SET) { status1 = GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_0); status2 = GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13); EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_L... 根据你的描述,我给你修改...
interrupt of the controller is mapped to GPIO, i have specified the same in dtb file. but when probe function is executed it calls "of_get_named_gpio_flags" which return with -2. The same value is passed to "gpio_is_valid" function further which in turn return error. Any help...
interrupt of the controller is mapped to GPIO, i have specified the same in dtb file. but when probe function is executed it calls "of_get_named_gpio_flags" which return with -2. The same value is passed to "gpio_is_valid" function further which in turn return error. ...
在task3_1函数中,启用相关GPIO和外部中断时钟,并设置相应引脚为输入或输出模式。 初始化LED灯状态,将红色LED关闭,绿色LED关闭,蓝色LED打开。 执行nvic_init函数,初始化NVIC(Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller)中断控制器。 执行exti_init函数,初始化外部中断控制器EXTI(External Interrupt)。
but when probe function is executed it calls "of_get_named_gpio_flags" which return with -2. The same value is passed to "gpio_is_valid" function further which in turn return error. Any help would be appreciated. ラベル: Graphics & Display ...