GetFileNameWithoutExtension 方法(准确地说,是 System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension 方法)用于从文件的完整路径中提取文件名,但不包括文件的扩展名。这在你需要处理文件名但不想被文件类型(如 .txt、.jpg 等)影响时非常有用。 在C#中使用 Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension 方法 在C#中,你可以通过 System...
GetFileNameWithoutExtension (string? path); 參數 path String 檔案的路徑。 傳回 String GetFileName(ReadOnlySpan<Char>) 傳回的字串,但不包含最後的句號 (.) 以及其後的所有字元。 例外狀況 ArgumentException .NET Framework 和 2.1 之前的 .NET Core 版本:path包含中GetInvalidPathChars()定義的一...
Get the path and/or just filename without extension from a string containing a path and/or just filename. Syntax string GetFilenameWithoutExt(string strPathAndFilename) Parameters strPathAndFilename [input] string containing an optional path and a filename with filetype extension ...
Filename is still "C:\windows\blabla.txt"I tried: wchar_t* name; _wsplitpath_s(Filename,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,name,MAX_PATH,NULL,NULL);now Filename is "blabla".This looks like a little hazardous!how should I do it?Wednesday, March 4, 2009 3:49 AM...
先写到一个短名称文件名里,然后复制到新文件名里去 fileName=“D:\67-21- lk2c- b2832b2b5b2-2t(-,,00037374-26-009,Y130503D5702DD01-C1)-S.txt”;System.IO.FileInfo filedd = new FileInfo();filedd.MoveTo(fileName);
Returns the file name without the extension of a file path that is represented by a read-only character span. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(String) Returns the file name of the specified path string without the extension. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ReadOnlySpan<Char>) ...
result = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameExtension(filename); } else if (args[2] == "NAME_WE") { result = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(filename); } else if (args[2] == "LAST_EXT") { result = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(filename); ...
Return A string containing only the file name with extension or not depending on bRemoveExt. Examples // This is a self contained sample program for the function GetFileName,// To run the program, enter the following command in the Script window:// GetFileName_ex1// When you run this ...
cmake get_filename_component get_filename_component( <FileName> <mode> [BASE_DIR ] var : outputValue FileName: inputValue mode DIRECTORY = Directory withoutfilename NAME =Filename without directory EXT =Filename longest extension (.b.c from d/a.b.c) NAME_WE =...
string fileName = @"C:\mydir\myfile.ext"; string path = @"C:\mydir\"; string result; result = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); Console.WriteLine("GetFileNameWithoutExtension('{0}') returns '{1}'", fileName, result); result = Path.GetFileName(path); Console.WriteLine("...