针对你提出的问题 document.getElementsByClassName is not a function,以下是一些可能的原因和解决方案: 拼写和大小写错误: JavaScript 是大小写敏感的,因此 getElementsByClassName 必须完全按照这个大小写来拼写。如果写成 getElementsbyClassName 或其他变体,都会导致这个错误。 javascript // 正确的拼写 var elements = ...
问题描述:通过document.getElementsByClassName获取DOM对象,并对返回值通过forEach遍历,报错:Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function 代码: 1 2 3 4 vararr = document.getElementsByClassName('myClass'); arr.forEach(function(item) { console.log(item); }); 因为document.getElementsByClassName 返回的...
常见报错——Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementsByClassName(...).addEventListener is not a function 这是因为选择器没有正确选择元素对象 document.getElementsByClassName(...)捕捉到的是该类名元素的数组 正确的访问方式应该是: document.getElementsByClassName(...)[0].addEventListener... 使用遍历为每个class...
document.getElementsByClassName(...).addEventListener is not a function报错问题 问题的本质是:document.getElementsByClassName(...)获取的是一个数组,正确应该是 document.getElementsByClassName(...)[0].addEventListener
Repeating the same steps on a browser such as Chrome 67 does not throw the exception. I can't work out what is calling that piece of code however, search for it in all our application code and all the scripts that were loaded on the site at the time the exception occurred and nothing...
jQuery.browser = {}; (function () { jQuery.browser.msie = false; jQuery.browser....
知道getElementsByClassName会返回HTMLCollection,假如直接document.getElementsByClassName("event").forEach就应该报“document.getElementsByClassName(...).forEach is not a function”。但是我一样的代码,在本地跑的时候会报错,发布到测试服上之后就不报错了,这是为什么呢?vue...
Pull Request for Issue #44294. Summary of Changes Fix getElementsByClassName().forEach is not a function for reCAPTCHA Invisble. Caused by #42797 Testing Instructions Install Joomla 4, activate re...
If possible share us a simple sample to replicate the problem or try reproducing it in the above shared sample. Sujith R NKNguyen Khoa LuDecember 31, 2021 01:01 PM UTC It is still not working :((( util.js:1513 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading...
常见报错——Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementsByClassName(...).addEventListener is not a function 这是因为选择器没有正确选择元素对象 document.getElementsByClassName(...)捕捉到的是该类名元素的数组 正确的访问方式应该是: document.getElementsByClassName(...)[0].addEventListener......