react native 中使用 expo-location 获取位置信息时,按照官方文档执行案例,获取不到位置结果。Location.requestForegroundPermissionsAsync() 执行后可以获取授权状态,但是执行到 Location.getCurrentPositionAsync() 时不会打印结果。 解决方法: 给Location.getCurrentPositionAsync() 添加参数,如下 let location = await Loc...
🐛 Bug Report getCurrentPositionAsync halt in Android Expo App Location.getCurrentPositionAsync() halt in Android Expo App Environment sdk:39.0.3 model: Huawei STK-AL100 Andriod Expo App:2.17.4 Expo CLI 3.28.0 environment info: System: OS...
let location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({}); // It get's stuck here. Nothing is returned. setLocation(location); })(); }, []); Moreover, the app is crashing after sometime. Getting this error continuously. Your app just crashed. See the error below. java.lang.NullPoint...
新建项目: 1 New Android Project-> 2 Project name:Location 3 Build Target:Android 2.2 4 ...
status.isGranted) { var result = await Permission.locationWhenInUse.request(); if (result.isGranted) { return true; } else if (result.isDenied || result.isPermanentlyDenied) { return false; } } return true; } Future<void> getCurrentPosition() async { bool serviceEnabled; ...
async getCurrentPosition() { try { const result = await navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.success, this.error); const position = result.coords; const marker = new AMap.Marker({ position: [position.longitude, position.latitude], });; } catch (error) { consol...
IAMAsyncReaderTimestampScaling 介面 IAMAudioInputMixer 介面 IAMAudioRendererStats 介面 IAMBufferNegotiation 介面 IAMCameraControl 介面 IAMCertifiedOutputProtection 介面 IAMClockAdjust 介面 IAMClock一介面 IAMCopyCaptureFileProgress 介面 IAMCrossbar 介面 IAMDecoderCaps 介面 IAMDeviceRemoval 介面 IAMDevMemory...
很久之前帮大叔解决了一个gps坐标转换为百度地图坐标的问题。今天大叔又给我讲百度地图定位不准。我查了一下api,用了官方给出的这样一组函数。 1//创建查询对象2vargeolocation =newBMap.Geolocation();34//调用getCurrentPosition函数5geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {67//如果查询成功8if(this....
const location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({ accuracy: Location.Accuracy.Balanced, }); Using this example documentation I created this snack ...