Getac S510 rugged laptop AI 賦能-無限揮灑你的創意與韌性 15.6 吋高亮度大螢幕、尖端 AI 運算,S510 筆記型電腦兼具永續與強固的簡約設計,能在艱鉅環境中提供永不妥協的運算性能。 聯絡我們 採用S510 的產業 產品資訊 技術規格 配件 兼具筆記型電腦便利性與辦公性能 S510 專為汽車、執法、製造、公用...
With its brilliant 15.6" large screen, cutting-edge AI capabilities, and sleek rugged profile integrating sustainable design, the S510 laptop delivers uncompromising computing performance in challenging environments.
Rugged Depot is the choice for Panasonic TOUGHBOOK and Getac computers. Let our rugged computer experts helpy you find the right solution.
News in brief: Getac aims to take a new step towards a sustainable world by adopting SORPLAS™ from Sony Semiconductor Solutions (SSS) in its premium rugged products, beginning with the recently launched S510 rugged laptop and ...
GETAC S510 RUGGED LAPTOP 神基科技股份有限公司旗下发布全新的 getac s510笔记本电脑,S510 笔记本电脑拥有亮丽的 15.6 英寸大屏幕、尖端的 AI 功能,融合可持续设计的时尚坚固外形,可在充满挑战的环境 - 研伟科技于20250221发布在抖音,已经收获了9363个喜欢,来抖音,记
S510 Laptops | Rugged | 15.6-Inch | Windows With its brilliant 15.6" large screen, cutting-edge AI capabilities, and sleek rugged profile integrating sustainable design, the S510 laptop delivers uncompromising computing performance in challenging environments. LEARN MORE V110 Laptops | Fully Rugged ...
神基投控旗下子公司神基科技 (Getac) 今天宣布推出全新支援人工智慧 (AI) 的 S510 強固型筆記型電腦,以便公用事業、公共安全、製造及汽車等產業的企業,能夠在日常工作中運用邊緣 AI (Edge AI)的強大功能。
TELFORD, 24 July 2024:Getac, a leading manufacturer of rugged computing solutions will present its latest technological developments for the automotive sector at Automechanika 2024, Frankfurt Germany. Getac will be showcasing the recently launched world’s first AI-Ready rugged S510 laptop, as well ...
B360 ProS410S510V110X600, X600 Pro, X600 Server Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty3 Years✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Rugged Warranty3 Years✓✓ Return to Base Logistics3 Years✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ *The above service offering is only applicable on products purchased after 1s...
With its brilliant 15.6" large screen, cutting-edge AI capabilities, and sleek rugged profile integrating sustainable design, the S510 laptop delivers uncompromising computing performance in challenging environments.