function uvm_sequencer_base get_sequencer() 返回sequence使用的默认sequencer的引用。 2.uvm_reg_transaction_order_policy/uvm_reg_map get_sequencer --- 获取与此映射相关总线的sequencer。 get_sequencer virtualfunctionuvm_sequencer_baseget_sequencer( uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) 获取与此映射相关总线的...
// Function: get_sequencer // 返回一个指向默认sequencer的指针 // Returns a reference to the default sequencer used by this sequence. function uvm_sequencer_baseget_sequencer(); returnm_sequencer; endfunction
AVAudioSequencer.GetHostTime(Double, NSError) MethodReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: AVFoundation Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll C# نسخ [Foundation.Export("hostTimeForBeats:error:")] public virtual ulong GetHostTime (double inBeats, out Foundation.NSError outError); Parameters inBeats...
Steps to reproduce the behavior: Use KDE and set up a Global Menu Plasma applet. (I use KDE 5 here). Start MusE and Alt-Tab to another program, then switch back. Expected behavior The global menu should match the menu that ought to be shown in MusE. Screenshots Desktop (please complete...
In fact one windows tool named power toys that you can get for free into the Microsoft store enable to remap keyboards. I simply have remap the Omen keyboard key (F24) into the Home key. (F24 is the key when pressed , Home is directly available onto the remap). It works on W...
"Amy de Vries, Cee J Bowan, J.K. Hernandez, Kay Wolf, Max Jesus, Terry Adams, North Rhythms, Daan Ellis, El Ritmo Duro, Smooth Revenge, DJ Justice, Chris Allen, Mike Griffith, Spectrum 3, Andrew Ortega, Sequencer 044, Peter Neumann, Frank Paulista, 77 Qb