{echo"数据库连接失败: " .mysqli_connect_error(); }echomysqli_get_host_info($con);mysqli_close($con);?>
{echo"数据库连接失败: " .mysqli_connect_error(); }echomysqli_get_host_info($con);mysqli_close($con);?> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
MySQL Connector/Python Developer Guide/Connector/Python C Extension API Reference/ _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_host_info() Method 11.22 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_host_info() Method Syntax: info=ccnx.get_host_info() Returns a description of the type of connection in use as a string....
5.4.29 mysql_get_host_info() constchar*mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL*mysql) Description Returns a string describing the type of connection in use, including the server host name. Return Values A character string representing the server host name and the connection type. ...
HRESULT retVal = object.GetHostInfo(pInfo); Parameters pInfo[in, out] Type:DOCHOSTUIINFO A pointer to aDOCHOSTUIINFOstructure that receives the host's UI capabilities. Return value Type:HRESULT If this method succeeds, it returnsS_OK. Otherwise, it returns anHRESULTerror code....
2.在己有数据库mdf和ldf文件上, 右键--->属性--->添加--->高级--->立即查找--->Authenticat...
virtual HRESULT OnGetHostInfo( DOCHOSTUIINFO *pInfo ); 参数 pInfo 接收宿主的用户界面功能 DOCHOSTUIINFO 结构的地址。 返回值 S_OK,如果成功或OLE中定义的错误代码否则为。 备注 重写OnGetHostInfo 响应从Microsoft web浏览器控件的 GetHostInfo 通知。 在参见 Windows SDK 的 IDocHostUIHandler::GetHostInf...