The network architectures allow changes of the image dimensions, which can be done using set_dl_model_param. Please also refer to read_dl_model for restrictions each of the delivered networks has on the input image size. Note that these parameters have to be set before training the model. ...
get_dl_model_layer_param— Retrieve parameter values for a given layer. Signature Description Which generic and layer-specific parameters can be queried is described in the specific operator references (create_dl_layer_*). Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators...
For detailed information see train_dl_model_batch. Models of 'type'='anomaly_detection': The parameter 'batch_size_multiplier' has no effect. Models of 'type'='counting': The parameter 'batch_size_multiplier' has no effect. Models of 'type'='ocr_recognition': The parameter 'batch_...
In this case get_dl_model_param returns an empty tuple with 'summary'. 'type': This parameter returns the model type. The following types are distinguished: 'anomaly_detection' 'classification' 'detection' 'segmentation' 'generic' - only for certain read in models, see set_dl_...
For detailed information see train_dl_model_batch. Models of 'type'='anomaly_detection': The parameter 'batch_size_multiplier' has no effect. Models of 'type'='counting': The parameter 'batch_size_multiplier' has no effect. Models of 'type'='ocr_recognition': The parameter 'batch_...
The network architectures allow changes of the image dimensions, which can be done using set_dl_model_param. Please also refer to read_dl_model for restrictions each of the delivered networks has on the input image size. Note that these parameters have to be set before training the model. ...
An overview of all existing layers of the model can be returned by the operator get_dl_model_param with the corresponding parameter 'summary'. Note, using this option modifies the network architecture: The network is truncated after a selected layer. This modification can not be reversed. If ...