功能:根据圆周近似获取XLD轮廓(contour)。 16. fit_ellipse_contour_xld 功能:根据椭圆或椭圆弧近似获取XLD轮廓(contour)。 17. fit_line_contour_xld 功能:根据分割线近似获取XLD轮廓(contour)。 18. fit_rectangle2_contour_xld 功能:用矩形来匹配XLD轮廓(contour)。 19. get_contour_angle_xld 功能:为每个轮...
get_contour_xld(Contour : : : Row, Col) 函数获取XLD轮廓Contour的坐标点Row, Col。 例程 read_image (Image, 'printer_chip/printer_chip_01') threshold (Image, Region, 140, 255) connection (Region, ConnectedRegions) select_shape_std (ConnectedRegions, SelectedRegions, 'max_area', 70) gen_co...
['contlength','area'], 'and', [108,700],[109,800]) get_contour_xld (SelectedXLD, Row, Col) *返回XLD轮廓的坐标 *参数1:轮廓 *参数2:行坐标--数组*参数3:列坐标--数组get_image_size (GrayImage, Width, Height) dev_open_window(10,10,Width, Height,'black',WindowHandle3) dev_display(...
get_contour_xld(算子名称) 名称 get_contour_xld— Return the coordinates of an XLD contour. 参数签名 get_contour_xld(Contour: : :Row,Col) 描述 get_contour_xldreturns the following values of the XLD contourContour: RowRow coordinate of the contour's points ...
1. get_contour_global_attrib_xld (ObjectSelected, 'cont_approx', AttribtValue) ObjectSelected:被选择的轮廓 'cont_approx':特征名称 AttribtValue:特征的值 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 对于其 cont_approx属性 可判断轮廓段的种类是直线、圆弧 还是 椭圆弧 具体如下: ...
Contour Core Components Core components include the core library with the ability to extend core graph functionality and create new visualizations, a Cartesian frame, tooltips and legends, global configuration options, and the Contour stylesheet. ...
get_contour_attrib_xld(算子名称) 名称 get_contour_attrib_xld— Return point attribute values of an XLD contour. 参数签名 get_contour_attrib_xld(Contour: :Name:Attrib) 描述 get_contour_attrib_xldreturns the values of the attributeNameof the XLD contourContourinAttrib. Contour point attributes are...
get_contour_xld(Operator) Description Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators). Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread). Processed without parallelization. Contour(input_object)xld_cont→object ...
get_contour_xldreturns the following values of the XLD contourContour: RowRow coordinate of the contour's points ColColumn coordinate of the contour's points Parallelization Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators). ...
Contour2D* c2d = view->GetContour2D(); c2d->SetContourColor( c.Red()/255.0, c.Green()/255.0, c.Blue()/255.0); } } 开发者ID:CBoensel,项目名称:freesurfer,代码行数:10,代码来源:ToolWindowEdit.cpp 示例3: OnCheckSmooth ▲点赞 3▼ ...